
Sunday 1 June 2014

Review: Leighton Denny Small Crystal Nail File (plus a little catch-up!)

Hello all, once again I've been off the blogging radar for a few weeks, I shouldn't apologise (because I promised myself I wouldn't stress is I posted irregularly) but I am kinda annoyed because I've got quite a few post ideas swirling around in my head and I've not had the time to get them down!)

If you follow me on Twitter  you'll probably have seen that the reason for the slow blogging month is moving stress! Technically I wasn't moving, my housemate moved out and my boyfriend Dale moved in- I did move bedrooms (to the bigger bedroom with en-suite!)- but most of the moving was from Dales flat to mine, and then rearranging our furniture to a system we both liked. Our flat is very nearly how we both want it, but we're planning on doing some painting (currently ALL of the walls in the whole flat are white and we want a little bit of colour) and we went to IKEA yesterday for a few extra bits of furniture and some new lamps and decor bits & bobs (plus inevitable candles, I have a problem). I think I'll be sharing a house tour post once we're all done, and definitely a post on how I'm storing my make up and nail polish (In fact I haven't done one in 2 years) so fingers crossed that will be soon!

Anyway, back to the point of this post: I've heard many many raves about crystal nail files, but for a while I thought they were probably way over-hyped and not really much different to regular emery boards. As I recently got back(ish, I guess!) into blogging, nail art and actually remembering to take care of my nails crystal files entered my radar again, and I started wondering again if I should get one. After reading some reviews and searching the internet I decided to take the plunge and spend the last of my Boots gift card on (I think the only one I could find on the high street) a Leighton Denny Crystal Nail File.

I retails at £12.50 in Boots (you can find it on Amazon etc. too) And at first I thought it might end up to be an extravagant waste of money, but I was definitely wrong. I have pretty rubbish natural nails- they don't grow very fast and they're prone to breaking and bending easily, and while I don't think this nail file is magical nail-growth secret I do feel like my nails are in better condition since switching to a crystal file, and I have genuinely thrown away all of my old cardboard emery boards!

Crystal files are designed to file the nails gently without dragging and splitting the nail, leaving them less susceptible to splitting and breaking. The two sides of this file have different textures- with a rougher and a smoother side. I  tend to only use the smooth side (I find it does the job perfectly well, even for bigger 'filing jobs'- where I've managed to take a chunk out of my nail and I need to shape it down to a smoother shape) as I find the rough side to make a weird scratching/vibration feeling through my finger- as I've said before I'm a total texture-phobe and hate that kind of feeling, it probably won't bother anyone else in the world...

The file is easy to care for- it cleans really easily with just hand soap and water, which removes all of the nail dust and really makes it look shiny and new again. At first I was worried that it might snap if I left it in bag all day, but the little case it comes with does seem to protect well- I've had it knocking about in my handbag for a several months now (it really does get bashed about a lot in there) and there's no hint of damage so far.

Another big selling point for this brand in particular is that it comes with a 25 year guarantee- which I'm so impressed by, seeing as I was originally looking at cheapy ones from eBay which (from the reviews I read) wore out in just a few uses.

Overall I'm really really pleased with this file and I'm annoyed at myself for waiting so long to try it; my nails seem much happier and less flaky (I don't think the file is the only factor at work, but it has definitely helped a great deal)

Have you tried a crystal file? What did you think?



  1. I really like my LD file :D
    I'm pretty sure you can also find them in John Lewis and M&S as well as Boots :)

    1. Awesome, I did think it was weird that it was the only place in stores I could find it (didn't look hard enough!0

  2. I"ve been using the ones from Mont Bleu and I really like them!

    1. I've never heard of that brand before- I must investigate! Thanks :)


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