
Tuesday 24 January 2012

If money were no object... #6

I haven't done one of these kinds of posts in a while, and since then lots of the new spring/summer collections have been released, so naturally there are a couple of things I'd rather like to get my hands on!

First up is something that is more a case of a 'wait until they're available' than a 'if money were no object' product, because although they are on sale in the US now, we have to wait until sometime in March (or so I've heard) to get our hands on them (and they'll probably be much more expensive...) but they do look awesome- a well pigmented tinted lip balm that is also very moisturising- you know how much I love lip balm!- and have recieved many many good reviews- I'm sure I'll pick at least one up when they arrive :)

A more practical wish this time; my computer is getting a little slow (though it is about 4/5 years old...) and I think it's partly because my hard drive is pretty full (I only have about 300GB of space and I have a lot of pictures, films and tv shows on my computer) and I'd really like to be able to store some stuff outside of my computer... however, external hard drives are pretty expensive (at least for me) and it's not something I can afford right now... maybe if I stopped buying nail polish?...

Speaking of nail polish... flakies are set to be this years crackle polishes- i.e. everywhere! But unfortunately UK retail doesn't seem to have noticed yet, and finding flaky polishes is hard! I have a lovely Andrea Fulerton 'Gemstone Overcoat' which is an orangey green flaky- see it in yesterdays Red NOTD, and Enigma told me that Maybelline also have one- but the US has so many options, including a whole range by FingerPaints: 5 flaky polishes each with a different duochrome flaky colour effect... drool... Head to The PolishAholic for some absolutely beautiful swatches :)

They look so boring in the bottle...

I know I've mentioned an iPhone and a Kindle in previous wishlist posts, but in my money-free dreamworld I'd love to have an iPad too- a friend of mine got one for Christmas so I've played about with it a few times recently and it's SO much fun! I think I'd actually prefer my cheap phone and an iPad to having an iPhone as the iPad can do so much more... and I love that they're so portable :) The chances of me getting one anytime soon are practically zero, I'll make do with my (slow and unmoveable) computer!

What are you lusting after at the moment?



  1. I too am looking forward to the revlon butter balms - they look amazing! x

    1. They do! It's so annoying that America gets everything so much sooner than we do! :(

  2. I really want to get my hands on those Finger Paints flakies. I spotted some on ebay the other day but at nearly £20 per bottle including shipping, I think I'll pass for now.


    1. Me too- I had a look when I first saw them, insane prices! Hopefully UK nail polish companies will get the hint soon :)

  3. Canada has the Revlon lip butters as well, and they're nice, but I still like regular lip balm better!

    However, I haven't been able to find flakies anywhere either so far, and I realllly want to try them out! They look so awesome! >_<

    1. I do quite like the idea of a tinted lip balm though- I'm a lipbalm addict so I'll probably get one regardless!

      Oh no, can you order from the US or is it too expensive to ship? :( I'm really hoping flakies will become more widely available!


    2. Shipping from the US is usually pretty high, especially on something breakable like nail polish bottles... so I'll just have to wait until something appears.

    3. Fingers crossed Canada and the UK get their act together and start stocking flakies then! :)

  4. I REALLY want Lynderella's Connect the Dots and I've had my eye on a few Butter Londons as well. *drools over all the glitter*

    Also, I tagged you for an award. If you've already done it, you don't have to re answer all the questions :)

    1. Connect the dots is awesome isn't it :) Thankfully Barry M is good for glitter in the UK (it's so much cheaper than Butter!)

      Aww thank you, I have already done it, but I have another tag post I need to do soon so I'll pop that one in too and give you a mention :)



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