
Tuesday 27 September 2011

A little nail polish haul :)

As you may know if you ready my Plea for help/NOTD post last week, I was on the look out for a good base coat for my nails- mainly because my nails are quite weak and peel a lot, which makes my polish chip off too easily for my liking. Thank you to Melanie and Enigma for your suggestions (check out their blogs, they're awesome) I had to rule out OPI and Zoya as they are too expensive/ not easy to get hold of, and the Models Own 3-in-1 base coat sounds good, but as I've mentioned before I'm really not a fan of their packaging (the lids are just too big!)

Instead I found myself searching the aisles at Boots, and came across the Sally Hansen Double Duty strengthening base and top coat- seeing as I like the Insta-Dri topcoat so well, I thought I'd give it a try :) At £4.95 it's very reasonable, especially considering Sally Hansen is usually at the higher price range of 'drugstore' polishes- I hope it works well for me (I'll let you know!)

And of course, whilst I was in Boots, and nail polish is on 3 for 2... I couldn't resist getting a 17 Magnetized polish (£5.99). I eventually decided on the blue shade; it has a really pretty purplish duo chrome in the bottle :) Another 17 polish caught my eye, one of the new ones from the Autumn collection- Revenge (£2.99) is a lovely mushroomish shade with a bright pink duo chrome. It's quite similar to George's Movie Star polish, but Movie Star is a darker brown and has a purple/ blueish duo chrome.

For some reason my camera just didn't pick up
the lovely colour of Revenge, it's showing the pink
duo chrome but not the brownish base colour :(

I had a lot of fun testing out the magnetized polish- I think it might take another couple of tries to get the hang of it properly (I kept getting the magnet too close and getting polish all over it) but so far I really like the effect. The only slight problem is that the texture of the polish is horrible (though I'm super-fussy about textures) it feels really odd. Nothing a good top coat can't solve thankfully!

Have you got any of the magnetic polishes? What do you think of the trend?



  1. Hope the SH works for you :)
    I am tempted by the 17 metallics but I already have a few magnetic polishes and I cant seem to get them to work properly.

  2. Thank you, I have my fingers crossed!

    The 17 ones seem to work quite well- the two nails in the picture were the first time I tried them, and my sister painted her nails last night and they came out slightly better than that- they might be worth a try :)


  3. I didn't last very long did I! I ended up getting the navy one yesterday... opps!

  4. Haha! What do you think? I hope they work better for you :)


    p.s. My new Sally Hansen base coat is working well so far!


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